[PlanetCCRMA] connection questions

Jonathan Segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Fri Nov 14 18:14:01 PST 2003

At 5:53 PM -0800 11/14/03, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>  > their input and output so i can hear it? one is audacity, on launch
>>  it says error initializing audio i/o layer, and has no i/o
>>  thereafter.
>The current version of audacity is OSS only (no alsa or jack support).
>It will (should?) run if you have the OSS compatibility modules loaded,
>which should happen automatically if you configured correctly

yes, alsaconf made it. it has the snd-mixer-oss, snd-seq-oss, snd-pcm-oss.
not sure why that's not working then.

>  > also ceres3, wants to go through snd i guess, but if i
>>  launch snd nothing happens at all..
>ceres3 uses a helper application (sndplay) to play sound. Do you have it
>installed? (/usr/bin/sndplay). If not, simply do an "apt-get install

again, yes. i had tried to launch sndplay and alsaplayer while the 
jack server was running and nothign happened until i quit the jack 
server, whereupon both launched. but they don't seem to have any ties 
to the hdsp sound output...
i was expecting them to show up in the jack patchbay so i could patch 
them to out 1&2, like i do with other apps.

still learning.

Jonathan Segel  -- MAGNETIC -- PO Box 460816 S.F. CA. 94146-0816
               4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619
   jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com <-----> magsatellite at yahoo.com
    tel (510) 534 7825  cell (510) 484 7415  fax (425) 955 4495

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