[PlanetCCRMA] The AGNULA Newsletter

The AGNULA Team info at agnula.org
Fri Nov 14 10:02:34 PST 2003

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     [Sorry for cross-posting.  Feel free to forward around]

Florence, 14 Nov 2003

+++ The AGNULA Newsletter

The   AGNULA IST-Project will  release  a weekly newsletter devoted to
audio/video  projects with  a  special  and  specific focus  on  Libre
Software and Libre Knowledge.


The AGNULA IST-Project has allocated a part of its staff to create and
distribute a weekly newsletter, devoted to audio/video projects in the
Libre Software/Knowledge arena.

The AGNULA Newsletter will collect news in the following fields:

  new  Libre Software projects   focused  on audio/video   (synthesis,
  editing, midi, digital signal processing, recording, etc);

  new releases  of     existing Libre Software  projects  focused   on
  audio/video (same as above);

  events, workshops, meetings devoted   to audio/video in  which Libre
  Software plays a significant role;

  new   audio/video projects  (or news   about  existing project)  not
  directly related to software,  which help spreading the  concept and
  the practice of Libre Knowledge;

You can read our newsletter by subscribing [1] to the

   <newsletter-dist at lists.agnula.org>

mailing list, or by visiting our web site newsletter archives. [2]

You can post news or contribute to the AGNULA newsletter by writing to

   <newsletter-collect at lists.agnula.org>

Please keep your contribution under 8-10 rows and  provide us with the
title you  wish to  use  for  your  piece  -  we might change  it  for
editorial and/or typesetting reasons, but we'll  do our best to ensure
your contributions are left intact.

The first number of  our newsletter is  scheduled for Monday,  Nov 17.
As a  general  rule, we accept  submissions  until Friday at 12:00  am
(CET+1) and send the newsletter around on Monday at 17:00 pm (CET+1).

So,  if  you   think  your   project/program/meeting/activity deserves
attention, please write  to newsletter-collect at lists.agnula.org - help
us make the  AGNULA newsletter *your* preferred  piece of  reading for
the Libre Audio/Video world.


About  AGNULA: Agnula (acronym    for A GNU/Linux  Audio distribution,
pronounced with  a strong g)  is the name of a  project  funded by the
European Commission  (number of  contract: IST-2001-34879;  key action
IV.3.3, Free  Software: towards the  critical mass).  The project aims
to spread Free Software in the professional audio/video arena.

The AGNULA Team                                   info at agnula.org        
Our mailing lists:                        http://lists.agnula.org/
Our web site:                               http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"
[1] http://lists.agnula.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter-dist/
[2] http://www.agnula.org/documentation/newsletter/ - not yet available

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