[PlanetCCRMA] Linux-Based Musical Keyboard Workstation

Ryan ruinaudio at comcast.net
Tue Nov 11 10:26:01 PST 2003

I read about that too.  Still not in production and costing 6k, seems
like a pretty risky venture.  I hope things work out for the developers
(some of them lurk this list ;-) could be a nifty tool (btw, seq24 is
the built in step sequencer/midi tracker IIRC).

I wonder if software is being developed specifically for the x-76 (that
could end up on a computer near me) or does it run available soft-synth
stuff i.e. planetCCRMA?  ;-)  I think the keyboard has an ethernet port
and software will be updated over the internet... apt-get install

I'd love to see a demo unit in a Chicago guitar center,

On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 12:09, Juan Reyes wrote:
> Thought this might come to a planet near us !
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |   Linux-Based Musical Keyboard Workstation Debuts                    |
> |   from the thing-ized-thing dept.                                  |
> |   posted by simoniker on Monday November 10, @16:22 (music)        |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> [0]Henry G. writes "Lionstracs of Italy has released the [1]Mediastation
> X-76 music workstation. It runs [2]Red Hat and [3]KDE 3.1. The base
> model features a 1.67 Ghz Athlon, 512MB RAM, 80GB HD, CDRW/DVD-ROM, 8.2"
> LCD, and a host of other things. Full specs can be found [4]here and
> pictures can be found [5]here. To this submitter, it looks more like a
> keyboardized computer than a computerized keyboard."
> Links:
>     0. mailto:henry at cdluna.com
>     1. http://www.lionstracs.com/index.php?module=Static_Docs&func=view
>     2. http://www.redhat.com/
>     3. http://www.kde.org/
>     4.
> http://www.lionstracs.com/index.php?module=Static_Docs&func=view&f=/specs.html
>     5.
> http://www.lionstracs.com/index.php?module=Static_Docs&func=view&f=/screenshots.html
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