[PlanetCCRMA] xmms-jack]

Tom Hemba tomhemba at bigfoot.com
Mon Nov 10 14:28:01 PST 2003

Adam King wrote:

>>Yes.  You should try using alsaplayer.  It works fine with jack.
>Yes alsaplayer does work fine with jack. For Joe this would be a perfect
>solution for playing back his demos. However, as an everyday media
>player/juke box alsaplayer lacks a lot of the features of XMMS. The
>compact UI (as Steve mentioned), EQ, managable playlists,  etc. I'd
>really like to see the xmms-jack plugin work as the xmms-alsa plugin
>works fine.
>- Adam

I second that.  I definitely prefer xmms but I couldn't get xmms-jack to 
compile on my computer either, nor could I find it in any of the apt 
repositories.  Xmms-jack would be a great addition to the Planet.


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