[PlanetCCRMA] Updating/creating apt database
Barton Bosch
barton_bosch at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 9 18:24:00 PST 2003
I just upgraded to Planet 9.0 from the 6/23/2003
CDROMs that I burned back when I had a broadband
connection. My linux computer does not have net
access at all, so updating via the internet at any
speed is not an option. I have manually downloaded
most, if not all of the packages that have been
updated since the 6/23 ISOs were made.
I would like to continue to use apt to manage my
installation so I need to add the newly downloaded
updates to the apt CDROM repository list.
My first thought was to copy the original 6/23/2003
update ISO to the hard drive, add the newly updated
packages, possibly delete the superseded packages,
generate an entirely new apt database with genbasedir
or just update the existing list with genpkglist, burn
a new CDROM, and then update my fresh install all at
once with this new update CDROM.
It also occurred to me to make a seperate and new
CDROM with just the newly updated packages, then
genbasedir a package list, apt cdrom-add it to the
rest of the disks.
How close are either of these to the correct
procedure? Would the hash list and the GPG sig in the
6/23 Updates ISO cause any trouble? How careful do I
need to be in placing the updates in the directory
tree? Can I just slap all the downloaded packages
into one directory (e.g., 11-9 updates) or do I need
to create a tree, ala, redhat/9/en/i386,
redhat/9/en/i686, redhat/9/en/kernel_and_drivers,
In short, given an install entirely from CDROM:
1)would it be easier to mix the new packages with the
old Update CDROM, adding them to the appropriate
places in the existing directory tree (where there is
one) or to create a new CDROM?; 2) What kind of
directory tree should I create if I make a new CDROM?;
and, 3)What would the syntax for the appropriate
genbasedir/genpkglist command (which I gather should
be executed from the /apt/.../base directory of the
Thanks for your help.
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