[PlanetCCRMA] Soundblaster Live/ALSA drivers problem

Rohan Parkes rparkes at email.com
Wed May 21 23:42:01 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 09:43, Rohan Parkes wrote:

> Unfortunately, the results are currently terrible. The sound is weak and
> scratchy when I try to play audio files, and all in the left front
> speaker if I use line-in (rather like what you would expect under
> Windows if you had 5.1 speakers but had the audio settings set to 2
> speakers). It often gets faint and distorted over time.

> Also, the notes tell you to start the ALSA driver using
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound start
> However, if I do this, it tells me that the driver is already running.
> For this reason, I haven't done anything with chkconfig to make the
> drivers start automatically.

It looks like I had the wrong idea here - the problems described above
were mostly due to not having started the driver script. I was confused
by the message from the script saying that the driver was already

I still find that line-in is only outputting through the front left
speaker, however, (but wav files are OK). So I'd still appreciate
suggestions about this. 

Rohan Parkes

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