[PlanetCCRMA] compile options for ecasound

Aaron Heller heller at AI.SRI.COM
Wed May 14 18:24:01 PDT 2003

First, a huge thank you to Fernando for maintaining the Planet CCRMA
distribution and writing such clear documentation.  It has been a real
pleasure using it.  Also thanks to everyone on this list for all the
good discussion.

I use ecasound for live ambisonic recording and built a small machine
for that purpose using a VIA mini-ITX mainboard and Delta 66 soundcard
(I can describe this more if anyone is interested).  I'm running the
RH8/UP version and, so far, everything I've tried has worked
very well.

My one request is that when building ecasound for the Planet, would it
be possible to compile it with the "--with-largefile" option?
Otherwise it is limited to 2GB files, which for my application (4
channels of 24-bit/96kHz) is only about 30 minutes.  Of course, I can
build ecasound myself, but it is hard to beat the convenience of
"apt-get dist-upgrade".

Thanks...  Aaron Heller <heller at ai.sri.com>

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