[PlanetCCRMA] Trouble with rebuilt kernel from 2.4.19-1.ll source on RH8.0

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Mon Mar 24 07:21:02 PST 2003

On 21 Mar 2003, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> > Just a request, could you add the following patch to the kernel?
> > http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vulnwatch/2003-q1/0134.html
> >
> > The University of Oslo require us to have this patch on our machines
> > before the 28th of march.
> I have included a version of this patch in my upcoming kernel (so far
> named 2.4.20-3.ll.acpi).

Ah, thats great.

> > One week ago, I planet-ccrma-ized the machines and
> > deleted the old system where the music and sound programs was
> > placed on a sentralized disk on a server. (except for Snd where
> > we need a newer version of guile, and some programs which is not
> > a part of planet-ccrma). I also let the machines run
> > "apt-get update;apt-get --assume-yes dist-upgrade >/var/log/aptlog"
> > each night.
> Wow, you have more faith than I do :-) I do the upgrade manually.

I consider the chance for anything going serious wrong for being very
small. Personal files are on a server that does not run planet-ccrma.

> Anyway, happy that it is working for you. Any cool software you use that
> I could add to the Planet CCRMA repository? Glad it is working for you!
Ceres, mammut, mxv, jmax and my vst-stuff comes to mind.


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