[PlanetCCRMA] Trouble with rebuilt kernel from 2.4.19-1.ll source on RH8.0

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Fri Mar 21 03:18:13 PST 2003

On 20 Mar 2003, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> > > So the question is: why do you need to rebuild it?
> >
> > I need to build some new modules for the kernel (nvidia driver, and probably
> > a more recent alsa than in the ccrma dist).  I was under the impression that
> > this would require a rebuild as the ccrma kernel binary is built with GCC
> > 2.96.  Is this correct?
> Yes...
> As for the Nvidia driver, I do have a version compiled for 2.4.19-1.ll,
> you should be able to "apt-get install NVIDIA_kernel NVIDIA_GLX" (I
> don't remember the exact names of the packages).
> If that does not work you could try building the NVIDIA driver with the
> compatibility compiler (compat-gcc).
> Or you could wait a bit. The next kernel and alsa releases will be
> compiled with both gcc3.2 and gcc2.96, coming to a Planet CCRMA near you
> "real soon now" (current status: I'm testing a better repository
> organization that simplifies the previous one, the goal is to make it
> easier to choose and install the proper kernel - I do have working
> 2.4.20/acpi and alsa 0.9.2+ rpms).

Just a request, could you add the following patch to the kernel?

The University of Oslo require us to have this patch on our machines
before the 28th of march.

And now for another success-story. :)

At Notam in Oslo we now have 8 linux machines available for various
people working with computermusic and programming. I'm the administrator
of these machines.

One week ago, I planet-ccrma-ized the machines and
deleted the old system where the music and sound programs was
placed on a sentralized disk on a server. (except for Snd where
we need a newer version of guile, and some programs which is not
a part of planet-ccrma). I also let the machines run
"apt-get update;apt-get --assume-yes dist-upgrade >/var/log/aptlog"
each night.

And this seems to work just great so far. My job has gotten far
easier. Thank you very much for your work Fernando, planet-ccrma
works very fine. :)


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