[PlanetCCRMA] Trouble with rebuilt kernel from 2.4.19-1.ll source on RH8.0

Brian Fahrlander kilroy at kamakiriad.com
Thu Mar 20 20:59:01 PST 2003

    On a similar note...I have this ultra-cool kernel installed, but I can't really run it because it doesn't 'mesh' with my Nvidia drivers; it complains that I'm using a different kind of compliler than the kernel was created with.

    So I'm guessing this is that GCC3.2/3.3 situation?  Will I have to 'uproot the world' to get this ability in 8.0?  How big an issue is this?

    The reason I ask is that, probably due to my chipset KT133, I have intolerable pauses.  While I watch TV in the scalable, "grabdisplay' mode and the hard drive is in use, there's a pause in the video.  Worse yet, while playing UT2003, the entire game comes to a screaching halt when other interrupts fire...for as much as 1-2 seconds.

    The newer motherboard HAS the ACPI mecanism, and from looking at /var/log/messages, it seems to be identified, so I think it might be able to make this better somehow.  Am I wrong?  Is anyone else seeing this kind of behaviour?

Brian Fahrländer          GNU/Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                    My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
ICQ  5119262
Those who prey upon the ignorant for money are no better than common

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