[PlanetCCRMA] how rpm sucks, let me count the ways

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Mar 18 10:26:02 PST 2003

> I'm having the same maddening problem.  Except it's even more absurd.

Very weird...

> [root at ruined root]# rpm -qa | grep quake
> quake2-3.20-glibc-6
> quake2-3.20-glibc-6
> quake2-3.20-glibc-6
> quake2-3.20-glibc-6
> quake2-3.20-glibc-6
> [root at ruined root]# rpm -e quake2-3.20-glibc-6
> error: package quake2-3.20-glibc-6 is not installed
> [root at ruined root]# rpm -ev quake2
> error: "quake2" specifies multiple packages
> [root at ruined root]# rpm -e quake2 --allmatches (<- reports no errors)

Could you do a "rpm -e -v -v --allmatches quake2" to see what it
reports? I've searching for something like this on google and have not
found any solution yet. 

I think there is an rpm related mailing list somewhere in the redhat
site, it might be interesting to know what they think about this...
-- Fernando

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