[PlanetCCRMA] apt-get dist-upgrade problem

Jim Ruxton cinetron at passport.ca
Thu Mar 13 14:25:03 PST 2003

Thanks Brian,

I'm still having the same problem Thomas is having. apt-get is trying to 
install a package that is already installed . In my case it is openssl . 
Is the best way to get the rpmdatabase back in sync to manually (ie. rpm 
-e ) the offending package and let apt-get re-install?

>On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 00:52:46 -0500, Jim Ruxton <cinetron at passport.ca> wrote:
>>>I would try first to rebuild the rpm database, in a terminal type:
>>> rpmbuild --rebuilddb
>>I get a message saying this is an unknown option and looking at the man 
>>page I can't seem to find --rebuilddb as an option for rpmbuild. Hmm am 
>>I missing something.
>   Typo:  "rpm --rebuilddb"
>    :)
>Brian Fahrländer          GNU/Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
>Evansville, IN                    My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
>ICQ  5119262
>Those who prey upon the ignorant for money are no better than common
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