[PlanetCCRMA] Re: building swami for 0.2.4-iiwusynth

Josh Green jgreen at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 6 09:46:02 PST 2003

On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 08:04, carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt wrote:
> Dear Josh,
> I got the new iiwusynth-0.2.4 at Planet CCRMA, but now I'm unable to recompile, 
> that is, I start swami but it doesn't seem to connect to the synth, or talk to 
> it. Any clue on how I can solve this problem? Also I chose jack/alsa_seq but 
> when I restart swami it goes back to AUTO!
> Let me know if you can help out!
> cheers,
> Carlos Figueiredo


The iiwusynth-0.2.4 on Planet CCRMA appears to be the unreleased CVS
version of iiwusynth. Kind of confusing. I'm not sure when this snapshot
was taken, so its kind of a hit and miss as to which Swami version to
use (the iiwusynth API has changed a bit). I'd recommend trying the
Swami CVS and perhaps compile iiwusynth from CVS as well if you still
have problems. This will be resolved shortly, since FluidSynth 1.0 (the
new name for iiwusynth) will be released soon.

As to why the driver keeps on resetting from Jack.. The configuration is
saved when you exit Swami and is stored in ~/.swami. It should retain
the value you set for the driver (at least it does for me :) If for some
reason its not, you could manually set it in ~/.swami/plugins.cfg:

audio_type = "jack"

Hope that helps and let me know how it goes. Cheers.
	Josh Green

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