[PlanetCCRMA] warning and error message in clisp-clm

zong king rlawns2003 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 03:35:50 PST 2003

Hi all,

When I try to compile the following simple clm-instrument;

(definstrument  ex1  (start-time duration  freq  amp)

(let*              ((beg  (floor (* start-time  *srate*)))

(end (+ beg (floor (* duration  *srate*))))

(sine (make-oscil  freq)))


(loop for i from beg below end do

(outa i  (*  amp  (oscil  sine)))))))



I got warning message  as follow;


;; Loading file /usr/lib/clisp/clm/lispinit.lisp ...


;; CLM 2 (02/19/2003)


;; Loaded file /usr/lib/clisp/clm/lispinit.lisp

[1]> (compile-file "1.ins")


Compiling file /home/zong/1.ins ...

; Writing "/home/zong/clm_lnxclp_EX1.c"

; Compiling "/home/zong/clm_lnxclp_EX1.c"


WARNING in EX1 in lines 1..13 :

SETQ: assignment to the internal special symbol CLM::EXPLODE-CTR

WARNING in EX1 in lines 1..13 :

SETQ: assignment to the internal special symbol CLM::*EXPLODE-LIST*

WARNING in EX1 in lines 1..13 :

SETQ: assignment to the internal special symbol CLM::CDT-END


Wrote file /home/zong/1.fas

0 errors, 3 warnings

#P"/home/zong/1.fas" ;

3 ;




And after "load", with-sound makes the following error message;


[2]> (load "1")

;; Loading file /home/zong/1.fas ...

;; Loaded file /home/zong/1.fas


[3]> (with-sound () (ex1 0 2 440 0.9))

; Loading clm_lnxclp_ex11132 into /home/zong/rc...cc -DCLM -g  -O3  -DLINUX -DHAVE

_ALSA  /home/zong/rc.c -o /home/zong/rc /home/zong/clm_lnxclp_EX1.o  -L/usr/lib/clisp/

clm -lmus  -lasound  -lm

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lasound

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [rc] Error 1

/bin/bash: line 1: /home/zong/rc: No such file or directory





Would anyone please help? I am using RedHat 8.0.

Thanks in advance,



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