[PlanetCCRMA] 7.2 no longer supported, many additions and updates
aamehl at bezeqint.net
Wed Jul 30 15:53:02 PDT 2003
BTW. There is a branch of denemo that works with lilypond.
The regular denemo can save as lilypond but this branch lets you work on
the text and the gui at the same time.
The more I play with lilypond the neater it gets.
Also denemo uses a lot of vim keybindings which makes it nice for all of
us vim people.
On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 01:01, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > > * Hi Nando and all,
> > > isn't version 1.8.0 of lilypond soon to be released?? whats with 1.7???
> > > are you waiting for 1.8??
> That's I heard in the Libre Software Conference in Metz (the Lilypond
> developers were there). I'll release 1.8 as soon as it is out (and I get
> a chance to build it).
> -- Fernando
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