[PlanetCCRMA] Audacity Seg Faults Redhat 9 & rezound gets zombified

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Jul 27 16:38:01 PDT 2003

> getting kicked out when finishing a recording. Looks like it is not so
> easy to create well behaved jack clients. A newer version of rezound is
> coming to the planet very soon as well as a newer jack (plus 15+ more
> updates and new packages :-)
> > Seems like somehow my system has become generally less responsive and
> > stable (regarding jackd anyway).  I've heard on the jack list that
> > --enable-optimize when compiling jack produces great results (of course
> > that doesn't do we planet folk much good).
> Hmmm, I think the optimization refers to compiling ardour, not jack.

Should have checked... there is an --enable-optimize for jack as well,
I'll try it out on the next build. 

-- Fernando

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