[PlanetCCRMA] Sendmail question (Tuning/antispam)

Terry Churchill terry at doc-linux.co.uk
Tue Jul 22 00:23:01 PDT 2003

My pet monkey insists that on Jul 18 2003 at 06:45AM
Brian Fahrlander <kilroy at kamakiriad.com> warbled:

> I type:
> HELO sagitta.kamakiriad.local  (Same as my MX's)
> It says:
> 250 sagitta.kamakiriad.local Hello evv.kamakiriad.local [],
> pleased to meet you
>     Am I missing a rule?  I'm on eth0 (from the outside) pretending to
> be the machine, itself. And it still accepts it!

It's not accepting anything. It'll let you use whatever you like after the
HELO, it'll correct it later. It doesn't use the HELO command to decide wether
or not to allow you access.

>     I'm sure that some of the spam that comes through, uses this...

I'm sure it doesn't.

 .~.       Terry Churchill : terry at doc-linux.co.uk          .''`.
 /V\                                                       : :'  :
/(_)\           http://www.doc-linux.co.uk/                `. `'`
 ^ ^                                                         `- 
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