[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA Knoppix

Alex Timmer mijn_troep at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 7 10:53:01 PDT 2003

 --- Dougall Irving <dmi at smartelectronix.com> wrote: > Hi All,
> I've been playing around with knoppix.  For those who aren't
> familiar with it, it's a live linux on CD 
> ( http://www.knoppix.net ) I was thinking that it would be 
> pretty cool to do a customised knoppix CD that had all the 
> planetCCRMA apt's installed.  It would be a great way of
> showing off the current state of linux audio.  Anyone tried
> something like this or have some thoughts ideas or 
> suggestions?
> --dougalli

i haven't tried Knoppix, nor do i know much about it, but i like the
idea! moreover, being able to show linux to friends without touching
their existing harddisk partitions seems very appealing.

hmmm, could it also be used to make a 'snapshot' of a current working
CCRMA installation?  

cau, ALEX

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