[PlanetCCRMA] problem

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jul 2 07:31:01 PDT 2003

> > I am fairly new to linux, and I can't seem to even get
> > started installing the kernel and alsa drivers.  I
> > have successfully installed apt-get as per the
> > instructions on the planetccrma web site.  But, when I
> > go to download and install the kernel and alsa
> > drivers, it says "--old-package: unknown option." 
> > This happened after entering the command as listed on
> > the planet ccrma web site: "apt-get -o
> > RPM::Install-Options::=--old-package install
> > planetccrma-core".
> I just had this problem a weekago and after doing some investigative work 
> (man rpm) I found out that it is a type. It should be --oldpackage, not 
> --old-package. This should be fixed on the PlanetCCRMA website.

Sorry for the typo, just fixed it in the website...
-- Fernando

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