[PlanetCCRMA] pro install

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Dec 29 03:09:01 PST 2003

On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 09:11:22 +0100, r a a p i e @ wanadoo wrote:
> Hello,
> I am considering to install the Planet next year. But since I am a
> professional musician who is using a lot great WindowsXP software, I am
> still a bit afraid to do it. Ardour is still a beta program which might be
> tricky to use professionaly. On the other hand Jack and ALSPA must be very
> cool and maybe even better than rewire/VST.
> I am using an RME Hammerfall which seems to be supported. I also have
> installed both RedHat 4.5 and Suse 6 a couple of years ago, so I have some
> experience. I am considering doing a Fedora installation by the way.

Fedora is probably a good choice. Its much easier to install than RedHat
> Are there any extra tips or good websites I should check out first? Or
> should I just install it using the CCRMA installation routines?

Yes, use Planet CCRMA install instructions. Once its up and running youre
in a better place to experiement.

I'm using a hammerfall with Planet CCRMA and I'm very happy with it, but I
doubt you will want to delete your windows install just yet - things are
still a little rough around the edges.

- Steve

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