[PlanetCCRMA] trouble with fc1

Israel Nelken israel at md.huji.ac.il
Sun Dec 21 20:33:01 PST 2003

	Thanks, I commented out this line in the /etc/modules.conf file and 
things are working now. I have no idea why it was there - to my 
inexperienced eyes there's no scsi card in this computer.

> I've never seen an error like this  It would seem that you have a
> module named in your /etc/modules.conf that is not part of the Planet
> CCRMA kernel (I just confirmed that in my fc1 test machine). Apparently
> you have a scsi card? (that is what needs the ata_piix driver). What
> card is it? It may have a driver in the normal kernel that has a
> different name. 
> An easy way out would be to try the Fedora Core 1 kernel with
> capabilities that is also part of Planet CCRMA, that should install with
> no problems as it is almost the same as the Fedora kernel. 

Israel Nelken	                 	
Dept. of Neurobiology
The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences
Edmond Safra Campus, Givat Ram    | Tel: Int-972-2-6584229
Hebrew University                 | Fax: Int-972-2-6586077
Jerusalem 91904, ISRAEL           | Email: israel at md.huji.ac.il

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