[PlanetCCRMA] fluidsynth

Lúcio Ribeiro Gomes luciorgomes at uol.com.br
Sat Dec 20 16:53:01 PST 2003

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano escreveu:

>>>>When I run fluidsynth as a normal user
>>>>I get this:
>>>>fluidsynth: warning: Couldn't set high
>>>>priority scheduling for the audio output
>>>>fluidsynth: warning: Couldn't set high
>>>>priority scheduling for the MIDI input
>>>>Does anybody knows if I need to run it
>>>>as root only or there's something I'm
>>>>doing wrong?
>>>You are fine. I'm not shipping fluidsynth suid root. If you use it as a
>>>Jack client (starting jack with the jackstart command or through
>>>qjackctl with the appropriate parameters) the audio thread will
>>>automatically get realtime priority. 
>>And for realtime Midi input? Just as root I can get it?
>As root, or you could suid root the fluidsynth executable (chmod 4755).
>I don't like either option... and I have not tried them. 
>-- Fernando
Could Givertcap be used for that?


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