[PlanetCCRMA] how best to install Ardour?

Alex Timmer mijn_troep at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 19 04:40:03 PST 2003

my $0.02... i stopped using Synaptic since i had a few times problems
with it (freeze during install, corruption of database etc). with the
command line i never had these things so far.

i have to say this was a while ago when i still had RH8.0 installed,
maybe things are better now, maybe its just my computer   :)

as for dependencies, "apt-get install SANTA" will also tell you any
additional packages that need to be installed for SANTA, and gives the
option to 'bail out'. 

alas, it is maybe more elegant to use "apt-cache showpkg SANTA" for
that. to see if there is package related to the word ardour, try
"apt-cache search ardour".

oh, and the manpage for apt-cache says it "does not manipulate the
state of the system but does provide operations to search and generate
interesting output from the package metadata.", so.....  =)
gr, ALEX
p.s. installing ardour with planet CCRMA should be as simple as
"apt-get install ardour", as was mentioned already 

 --- Bruce Elliott <belliott4488 at comcast.net> wrote: > Thanks ... no,
I'm not at all opposed to GUIs.  If I knew what I was 
> doing, maybe I'd feel better about doing it all from the command
> line, 
> but I'm not there yet.
> I'd forgotten about synaptic because somewhere in the first few pages
> of 
> Fernando's instructions he mentions it but warns against using it
> until 
> all the Planet CCRMA components have been installed.  Do you know
> why?  
> Can I just go ahead and run it now?
> - Bruce
> parker wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > If you're not oposed to a GUI interface, then I think you could do 
> > 'apt-get install synaptic'. Synaptic is pretty nice and reports 
> > dependencies by telling you everything that will be installed in
> order 
> > to get any application working.
> >
> > Ron
> >
> > Bruce Elliott wrote:
> >
> >> I've been working on getting Planet CCRMA installed, and I think
> I'm 
> >> ready to try and install Ardour, which is really my ultimate goal.
> >> (I've done all the steps up through the latency optimizing, so I 
> >> think I'm there -- BTW, thank to Fernando for earlier help; I
> didn't 
> >> want to send out a separate message saying only, "Yep, that
> worked.")
> >>
> >> I see that there isn't an incantation for getting Ardour with 
> >> apt-get.  I downloaded the rpm (for RH 9.0), and I see that I'll
> also 
> >> need librdr.so.0 and libsamplerate.so.0 .  Should I go to the
> Ardour 
> >> site to find these?  Do I have to download the source and build
> them?
> >> Alternatively, if I install planetccrma-audioapps, will Ardour be 
> >> installed?  That's an awfully long list, and I wasn't sure I'd use
> >> everything on it.
> >>
> >> thanks,
> >> Bruce

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