[PlanetCCRMA] how best to install Ardour?

parker parker at lionstracs.com
Thu Dec 18 20:02:01 PST 2003


If you're not oposed to a GUI interface, then I think you could do 
'apt-get install synaptic'. Synaptic is pretty nice and reports 
dependencies by telling you everything that will be installed in order 
to get any application working.


Bruce Elliott wrote:

> I've been working on getting Planet CCRMA installed, and I think I'm 
> ready to try and install Ardour, which is really my ultimate goal.  
> (I've done all the steps up through the latency optimizing, so I think 
> I'm there -- BTW, thank to Fernando for earlier help; I didn't want to 
> send out a separate message saying only, "Yep, that worked.")
> I see that there isn't an incantation for getting Ardour with 
> apt-get.  I downloaded the rpm (for RH 9.0), and I see that I'll also 
> need librdr.so.0 and libsamplerate.so.0 .  Should I go to the Ardour 
> site to find these?  Do I have to download the source and build them?
> Alternatively, if I install planetccrma-audioapps, will Ardour be 
> installed?  That's an awfully long list, and I wasn't sure I'd use 
> everything on it.
> thanks,
> Bruce
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Ron Parker
Lionstracs General Manager U.S.
2428 Dupont Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405

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