[PlanetCCRMA] Recently landed on Planet CCRMA

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Dec 16 12:50:02 PST 2003

> Ardour does not work too (segfault).

What kind of error do you see? There is a well known problem when first
starting ardour, if it complains about a ".ardour/sfdb" file missing (I
think I got the name right, start ardour from a terminal just to be
sure), just create it with touch (ie: "touch .ardour/sfdb"). 

> Jack is ok and the Alsa/Hdsp are ok too (after a day spent figured out 
> why the Hdsp firmare did not get loaded).
> I tried to download an updated Ardour but it does not work, it 
> complains about something missing in jack (I thin a new version is 
> required).

Yes, the new ardour needs the newest version of jack....
-- Fernando

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