[PlanetCCRMA] newbie question: how do I recognize OSS drivermodules?

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Mon Dec 15 08:28:00 PST 2003

> > Similarly, in Step 3, (unload any oss sound driver modules), I've run
> > /sbin/lsmod, and I see a lot of stuff ... but how do I know which ones
> > might be oss sound drivers?
> Not easy. A while ago I started to write a script that would list them,
> never finished it :-) As you don't have anything in modules.conf related
> to the old oss drivers a reboot should be enough to ensure no oss
> modules are loaded.

   Since I expect that if OSS was installed on a Redhat system it might have
been installed using an RPM? I don't know since I've never used OSS myself.)

   Anyway, if it was installed by RPM, couldn't it be removed by RPM? Maybe
some instructions along those lines would be helpful?

   I remember the first time I installed the Planet flow this was a question
for me. I didn't know anything about OSS and licensing, etc., so I just
thought it was another piece of free software, etc. and it was confusing.

   Anyway, just a thought.


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