[PlanetCCRMA] Surprisingly NOT OT: A question about this list

Yudhi Kusnanto yudhi at akakom.ac.id
Sun Dec 14 19:59:01 PST 2003

On Sun, 14 Dec 2003, Brian Fahrlander wrote:

>     I've tried procmail scripts like this to divide them and make them
> readable.  But I'm not sure why they don't _always_ work:

where you put this script on? i assume in $HOME/.procmailrc, right?

> :0
> * ^Subject: *\[Galeon-user\]*
> $HOME/mail/Galeon

this receipt should be:

* ^Subject:.*Galeon-user

and one for this list:

* ^X-BeenThere: planetccrma at ccrma.stanford.edu

i don't know of other list, but i am using above receipt reliably

|===[ Yudhi Kusnanto ]==============[ +62 811 292 184 ]===|
|===[ STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta ]=====[ +62 274 486 438 ]===|
|===[ Indonesia ]===[ http://www.akakom.ac.id/~yudhi/ ]===|

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