[PlanetCCRMA] updated: new kernel and alsa packages

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 11 13:11:02 PST 2003

> I was trying to find those kernel source packages from the
> apt-repository as well as from the link that is provided by Planet CCRMA
> home page:
> http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/redhat/linux/planetccrma/all/en/os/SRPMS/kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.src.rpm
> Unfortunately it seems that this link is broken as well as are the links
> to the readily compiled kernels for different architechtures (i686 at
> least).

Sorry, I just released the new kernel packages yesterday and I have not
had time to fix the links in the web pages. 

You can find the source package at:


But, if you need the kernel source to install other kernel modules you
should install the kernel-source package instead (the .src.rpm package
is only useful to rebuild the whole kernel from source):

  apt-get install kernel-source#2.4.23-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma

-- Fernando

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