[PlanetCCRMA] Getting Jack working...

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Dec 10 10:36:02 PST 2003

> I'm having trouble getting jack working...
> [root at scir root]# jackstart -d alsa --help
> jackstart: Symbol `jack_builtin_port_types' has different size in shared 
> object, consider re-linking
> back from read, ret = 1 errno == Success
> could not open driver .so '/usr/lib/jack/jack_alsa.so': 
> /usr/lib/jack/jack_alsa.so: undefined symbol: jack_driver_nt_init
> could not open driver .so '/usr/lib/jack/jack_dummy.so': 
> /usr/lib/jack/jack_dummy.so: undefined symbol: jack_driver_nt_init
> could not find any drivers in /usr/lib/jack!
> jackd: no drivers found; exiting

Strange. Obviously not what I get here (I get the help text as
requested). Things to check:

- did you install jack manually at some point? If so, make sure the jack
you are executing is the one from the rpm (/usr/bin/jackstart). It does
not look like it but there may be another jack around :-) "whereis
jackstart" should tell you where it is in your paths. 

- are the files there? two ways to check, first check the integrity of
the package with "rpm -V jack-audio-connection-kit", that should flag
files that are not there or have been changed. Another, just list the
files with "rpm -q -l jack-audio-connection-kit" and manually verify
they are there. 

-- Fernando

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