[PlanetCCRMA] updates: living on the PlanetEdge

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 8 15:29:01 PST 2003

> > Hi all, I have new preliminary versions of the Planet CCRMA kernels and
> > ALSA drivers online (for RedHat 9 and Fedora Core 1 at this point). If
> > somebody is willing to test them I would appreciate feedback. 
> > 
> > Under RedHat 9 there are two new kernels available:
> > 
> > - kernel-2.4.23-1.ll.rh90.ccrma:
> >   based on 2.4.23 with the usual low latency goodies. 
> Tried this out last night and it works fine.  Thanks!!!
> I'm running the Planet on a Via M9000 c3 (no CMOV instruction).  I happy 
> to report that apt-get correctly fetched the 586 packages and they are 
> CMOV-free.   Very good!
> Unfortunately, however, the problem with noisy capture at 96kHz and 88.2 
> kHz on the M-Audio Delta 1010 (not LT) persists.  Any advice on how to 
> proceed with this?

I do have a couple of 1010's but have not had the time to test this. 

The only suggestion would be to post to alsa-dev but you already did
that. Maybe post again? :-) Perhaps the next thing to do would be to try
to find out (from the alsa-dev developers that wrote the original
driver, I guess) who could be a good technical contact person inside
Midiman to try to figure out which bit needs to be turned on or off to
fix this. Yet another (but that would require a lot of free time and
some daring) would be to open up a 1010 and try to figure out where the
noise is coming from (ie: preamp, amp, adc clocking). 

> At M-Audio's suggestion, I tried it under Windows with their drivers and 
> it works perfectly, so there's something wrong with how the ALSA driver 
> is setting the rate.

Sounds like a reasonable assumption. 
-- Fernando

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