[PlanetCCRMA] pd and fedora

J. Scott Amort jsamort at shaw.ca
Fri Dec 5 12:44:01 PST 2003

On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 15:38, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> Ok, I just put 0.37 (today's cvs version) online for Fedora Core 1, no
> formal announcement yet or links in the web pages but it is there. Just
> "apt-get update; apt-get install pd". 

Thanks, Fernando.  Just for your information, though, this version does
not include ALSA support (i.e. the only two options in the menu are OSS
and Jack).  I took a look at the SRPM, and the problem seems to be that
the --enable-alsa switch to configure is read as --disable-alsa (i.e.
putting either --enable-alsa or --disable-alsa both disable alsa), and
the only way to get it in is to leave off the switch entirely.  So, with
only --enable-jack, it tries to do OSS, ALSA and Jack.

The next problem is that once it tries to compile in ALSA support, it
hits a number of warnings and stops due to the -Werror switch.  I see
that your perl commands try to remove these switches from all configure*
and makefile* files, but it seems to only succeed in taking them out of
the makefile.in.  They remain in configure.  The solution seems to be to
remove the leading space and adding a trailing one instead:

find ./ -name configure\* -exec perl -p -i -e "s/ -Werror//g" {} \;


find ./ -name configure\* -exec perl -p -i -e "s/-Werror //g" {} \;

After this, it compiles fine with ALSA support (albeit with numerous
warnings).  But, selecting ALSA as the audio output now causes a seg
fault. :-(

Anyways, hope this info is helpful in your ongoing efforts!

Thanks again,


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