[PlanetCCRMA] Size mismatch in apt-get update

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Fri Aug 29 01:12:01 PDT 2003

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>>>Could you please update your /etc/apt/apt.conf and sources.list? The
>>>apt.conf you have is very old and would not be good for updating kernels
>>>automatically (unless you also have a very old apt package - which
>>>version do you see if you do a "rpm -q apt"?), the sources.list has
>>>obsolete lines in it (7.x.up)
>>Just thought, I got this sources.list from
>>(it was 
>>and this probably needs to be updated as it still contains the 7.x lines
>It will be updated soon. It should work both ways (except for the
>7.x.up). I did test with both configurations. I'm not really sure what
>was causing the problem in your case. 
That's fine, it's all working great now


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