[PlanetCCRMA] french mirror not updated

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 27 11:16:01 PDT 2003

> > unless I have done something wrong, the french mirror is not updated. I got this error message whie trying to load kernel source for 2.4.21:
> > ----------------
> > Failed to fetch http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/mirrors/planetccrma/apt/redhat/8.x/en/i386/RPMS.planetcore/kernel-source-2.4.21-1.ll.acpi.i386.rpm
> >   404 Not Found
> > ----------------
> > So I switched to main apt repository.
> > 
> > GuyCLO~
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot for this report.
> After checking if the IRCAM mirror have been updated, it seems that
> Fernando have added symbolic link with absolute path for the planetcore
> package. The same error will certainly occur with other mirrors too.
> Fernando, 
> should I send you the list of all bad links or just correct them here?

Yes, please do. 

I noticed this yesterday as I was updating the repository (completely
different scripts) and changed over to relative links, but I may have
missed something (I'll check in a moment). Maybe the mirror sync
occurred before I had a chance to fix them. 

-- Fernando

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