[PlanetCCRMA] cinelerra on athlon/duron

kevin ernste kevinernste at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 23 15:41:01 PDT 2003

--- Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
> > Another question related to APT.  HOw do I automatically get
> packages 
> > for a different architecture. I have a non-Intel machine and would
> like 
> > to get all the benefits (packages compiled for Duron/Athlon).
> Sorry, I forgot to answer this part :-)
> Very few packages in Planet CCRMA are built with architecture
> specific
> optimizations. Just the kernel and sound drivers and cinelerra (I
> believe those are the only cases). I do that only when the package
> somehow has specific instructions on how to build for other archs.
> You
> don't have to configure apt, it will supposedly choose (through rpm)
> the
> best arch for your machine.

You can always rebuild your own rpms too ;>  All you need to do is
specify the optimizations for your arch in /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc
(optflags:).  Check out the gcc or even Gentoo pages for optimization
info, they tend to be very particular about this sort of thing and can
give you lots of insight.

Once this is set, for say "athlon", just uncomment the "rpm-src" line
for planet in your sources.list and do:

apt-get update
apt-get source $PACKAGE_NAME
rpmbuild --rebuild --target athlon $PACKAGE_NAME.src.rpm
rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/athlon/$PACKAGE_NAME.athlon.rpm

Somone could easily script a complete athlon planet in this way :)


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