[PlanetCCRMA] installed: Open Sound World

smoerk smoerk at gmx.de
Sat Aug 9 07:53:02 PDT 2003


my last message to the list was about compiling tcl with threading 
support, because i needed this for running Open Sound World ( 
http://osw.sf.net ).

After Fernando pointed me to the redhat mirror page to get the source 
rpm it was not difficult:

get and install tcltk-8.3.5-88.src.rpm

edit the SPECS file in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS and add --enable-threads 
for tcl

compile and build new rpms with rpmbuild

the Open Sound World rpm package didn't work for me, but a rebuild from 
the source rpm package does work.

rpm --rebuild osw-1.1beta3.src.rpm

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