[PlanetCCRMA] added: gmorgan, updated: qjackctl

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Aug 8 13:44:00 PDT 2003

* updated Qjackctl to version 0.0.3-1, now includes a connections tab as
  well (a clone of the code in Qjackconnect). A very nice Jack control
  center. The author warns about it, though, it is alpha code, handle
  with care!

* added Gmorgan version 0.10-1. The author says: "Gmorgan is a modern
  MIDI organ with full auto-accompaniment. It emulates a Rythm Station.
  Because there is a chord sequencer too, you can use gmorgan like a...
  Band in a (linux) box! It's not so complete, but it's working right
  now. Some songs are included to play along with, for training of just
  for fun."

Have fun!
-- Fernando

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