[PlanetCCRMA] redhat 9 repository, status report
Josh Steiner
josh at vitriolix.com
Fri Apr 18 11:25:03 PDT 2003
Hey all,
I'm trying to get planetccrma running my fresh redhat 9 box and i can't
even get apt installed, any suggestions?
[root at localhost joschi]# rpm -Uvh apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
librpm-4.1.so is needed by apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1
librpmdb-4.1.so is needed by apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1
librpmio-4.1.so is needed by apt-0.5.5cnc4.1-1
independent u.s. drum'n'bass -- http://vitriolix.com
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