[PlanetCCRMA] odd behavior of my linux
Guy Clotilde
guy.clotilde at wanadoo.fr
Fri Apr 11 10:36:02 PDT 2003
It really drives me crazy.
I have used for days now redhat 8 + Planet ccrma, I rebooted many times my laptop (partly because of rosegarden hanging my machine). So I know that the lowlat kernel 2.4.19 works. And today, I rebooted, no pcmcia, no alsa. I rebooted once again with the old kernel, launched synaptic. Synaptic told me that the lowlat 2.4.19 kernel is not installed (it was!!) so I installed once again. Pcmcia works now, but not alsa. I'm gonna re-install alsa, but that's really odd.
There was an apt-conf problem discussed here, is it what's driving me crazy me?
I was a mandrake user (still on one machine) and switched to redhat 8 for planet ccrma. But now planet ccrma seems to focus on redhat 9.0 . It's really a pain in ass always upgrading. I was doing more music with my old 1040 atari ste. How can it be so difficult to have a decent midi sequencer on Linux ten years after? For the midi newbie one complainig about rosegarden, he should try muse. I find easier to get it working.
As a user, I feel really lost and disapointed by the state of music on my beloved os.
Guy CLO~
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