[PlanetCCRMA] DVD playback not fluent

Alex Timmer mijn_troep at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 14:32:01 PDT 2003

hi all, 

thanks for the reactions. today i downloaded the linux driver for
nvidia cards, NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4349.run and some documentation.
it was easy to install.

i copied the existing XFree86config-4 file to a temporary one which i
pre-edited (in Gnome) according the readme with changes needed for
the accelerated nvidia driver. 

default i do not boot into X. i had the kernel headers installed,
then ran the nvidia script. this compiled the driver for me, no

since i'm not such a hero with vi i then copied my pre-edited XFree86
config file to overwrite the existing one (i do have a .ORIG
backup!). now i could just do 'startx' and voila, the nvidia logo
appeared. no errors in the logfile, and AGP 4x is enabled.

DVD playback is now as i want it. fluent, fullscreen and LOUD (well,
thats my mixer setting   ;-) )

so now i run low latency (ll) kernel together with the nvidia driver.
i immediately had one hard system crash but after reboot RH fixed my
i made some changes as suggested in the readme for my Athlon/VIA
cpu/chipset combination. since then it looks rock solid, fingers

thanks, and i'm off to being creative.

 --- Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote: >
> > > * does it make sense to try RH80 + CCRMA ??
> > > 
> > > It would not solve your problems (although a lot of stuff is
> newer).
> > 
> > That's a bit of an understatement.
> > 
> > Of course at this point I wouldn't migrate to RH8, I would go
> straight to RH9.
> > I wouldn't waste one second on RH73.  It will be unsupported far
> too soon and 
> > is significantly less of a platform from a end user desktop
> perspective.
> I would say it is a little premature to migrate to 9 if you are a
> planet
> ccrma user. It takes time to get everything working and early
> adopters
> are bound to have problems...
> -- Fernando
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