[PlanetCCRMA] A few more /var/log/messages

Mark Knecht markknecht at attbi.com
Sun Apr 6 13:50:02 PDT 2003

On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 12:16, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> >    Looking at /var/log/messages, I see that I'm still getting a few
> > messages that don't look quite proper following the installation of the
> > new kernel. These don't show up on the test drive kernel.
> > 
> >    Possibly I need to go through some more steps to set up Alsa
> > properly? Or is there some real problem here?
> Check that your mixer is set up correctly (use alsamixer or gamix) and
> do a "/usr/sbin/alsactl store" to store its configuration. Something in
> the mixer controls has changed from the last alsa you had installed. 

Ah sucks. I didn't think I could run the mixer at all, presuming that
Alsa had failed to start. Anyway, running alsamixer fixed it. Thanks.

I think it was a bad /etc/asound.state file.

Thanks! Everything seems happy. (Probably should hook up some speakers
to that device and see if it actually makes sound...)

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