[PlanetCCRMA] acpi kernel reboot errors

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Sep 8 21:07:01 PDT 2002

> 	I just had to write again...  
> [root at ip68-14-112-61 root]# rpm -e --nodeps kernel-up-2.4.19.ll.acpi 
> alsa-driver-2.4.19-2.ll.acpi alsa-lib alsa-utils alsa-tools
> error: package kernel-up-2.4.19.ll.acpi is not installed
> error: package alsa-driver-2.4.19-2.ll.acpi is not installed
> error: package alsa-lib is not installed
> error: package alsa-utils is not installed
> error: package alsa-tools is not installed
> Ok, I'm confused...  ;-)

Me too, I would have thought that the alsa packages were there. 

There is a typo... 2.ll.acpi is the one you want to uninstall, so try:

rpm -e kernel-up-2.4.19-2.ll.acpi

If it does not complain you are done. 
Check to see which alsa packages you actually have:

rpm -q -a | grep ^alsa

-- Fernando

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