[PlanetCCRMA] Linux Newbie

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Oct 29 11:40:02 PST 2002

> I already have CMI built-in drivers for my 2.4.19 RH 8 installation and
> I want to install ALSA drivers. I've been following the planet ccrma
> howto but no luck. Could someone help me with this with a really simple
> step by step tutorial?

Hmmm, the instructions in the planetccrma site are supposedly a "simple 
step by step tutorial". But obviously they could be better. What is it 
that is not working?

[RedHat 8 support is not completely done but there are some users that 
have installed the planet packages on rh8]

-- Fernando

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