[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [Jackit-devel] [SOLVED]: CRON - cannot connect to jack server - 2 minutes after the hour

Frank Pirrone fpirrone at localnet.com
Thu Oct 24 11:51:07 PDT 2002

Mark Knecht wrote:

>Sort of....
>OK, since you're all great guys I know you're not going to ask me a lot of
>probing questions or make too many funny remarks about all the silly things
>I can figure out how to do on a computer... You'll just privately read
>bet3ween the lines and chuckle to yourselves... ;-)
>but I have sort of uncovered what causes jack to get messed up.
>1) Start jack (jackd -R -d alsa -r 44100 -d Audigy)
>2) Run jack_lsp - everything is OK
>3) Start a second copy of jack using the above command again (!!) ;-)
>4) Run jack_lsp - everything still OK - that's good
>5) Say 'Oops - I didn't want two jacks running'.
>6) Kill the second copy of jack (ps -aux; kill -9 last_process_#)
>7) Run jack_lsp - it fails - 'Jack sever is not running...'
>Somehow, killing the second copy of jack makes the first copy unavailable to
>all jack enabled apps. Not deadly, but not good. If you have a big setup of
>applications, and then make a mistake that runs jack again, everything in
>the first setup is hosed at that point.
>Can this be fixed? I don't know how jack allocates it's buffers and what
>not, but maybe something is really isolated from the second copy?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: jackit-devel-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
>[mailto:jackit-devel-admin at lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of Tim Goetze
>Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 6:56 AM
>To: Mark Knecht
>Cc: 'Jackit-List (E-mail)'
>Subject: RE: [Jackit-devel] RE: [PlanetCCRMA] CRON - cannot connect to
>jack server - 2 minutes after the hour
>Mark Knecht wrote:
>>Good morning,
>>  After running all night with crond turned off, jack was still working
>>fine this morning. That's a first!
>>  Thanks to Paul for sending the link on setting up cron. I'll be reading
>>that today. However, In my mind, why in the world should ANY cron job cause
>>jack to do this? Doesn't this speak towards a problem that needs to be
>maybe (i can't imagine this is true, but you never know ...)
>you have an overly aggressive cron script around that kills
>/tmp/jack* files while jackd is running. another wild guess.
>best you track down the hourly cron script(s) and check what
>they do exactly.
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Still, take a look at tmpwatch.  It is one of the daily cron jobs, and 
cleans up unaccessed files in /tmp and /var/tmp - such as the jack fifos.


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