[PlanetCCRMA] updated: lilypond, ecasound, ecawave, etc

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Oct 23 17:54:01 PDT 2002

After a LOT of compiles, recompiles, spec file tuneups, rebuilds and so on 
I have now lilypond and ecasound working on RedHat 8.0. The 8.0 repository
(of sound only apps) is almost done. Both updates were also propagated to
the 7.2 and 7.3 repositories, and that was YAP (Yet Another Pain :-)

* lilypond: up to version 1.6.6
* ecasound: up to version 2.2.0pre3
* ecawave: up to version 0.5dev1

Now I have to take a deep breath and see what else is missing... and I 
have to read the whole thing looking for gotchas in the docs with regards 
to 8.0. Slowly getting there. I'm sick of compiling :-)

-- Fernando

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