[PlanetCCRMA] redhat updates

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Oct 22 12:25:02 PDT 2002

Some more redhat updates have been added to the repository. I have just 
tested on 7.2 and found some conflicts with the planet ccrma rpms:

--- iptables (that's the included firewall script)

If you do an "apt-get update" to sync with the repository you will see a
warning saying that you have two packages that have the same version and
different dependencies (if you have iptables installed). That means that
the iptables packages you have (part of the planet ccrma repository) and
the most recent ones in the repository (part of the redhat updates) are
sort of mismatched. Unfortunately both packages have the same version but
having being compiled in different systems they have slightly different
dependencies. Sigh.

I have chosen to make the redhat update the "official" version and so I 
have erased the old planetccrma package for iptables and iptables-ipv6 

To "fix" your installation you need to first erase the existing iptables 
packages and then install again from the repository:

a) erase the existing packages:

   rpm -e iptables iptables-ipv6

   if rpm complains and you have some rpm that depends on iptables you 
   will have to (temporarily) force the package removal:
   rpm -e --nodeps iptables iptables-ipv6

b) install the new versions:

   apt-get install iptables iptables-ipv6

--- galeon

The new redhat updates include a new mozilla and galeon (a lightweight
browser based on the mozilla rendering engine). I already had new versions
of mozilla in planet ccrma but, although both the planetccrma and redhat
versions of mozilla are 1.0.1 there are enough differences to make the
redhat galeon not work with the planet ccrma mozilla. Sigh again. So for
now don't update galeon if you are using it. I will make a new planet
ccrma galeon rpm that is compatible with the planet ccrma mozilla latter

Most probably the same galeon problem will happen in 7.3, I have not 
tested that yet. 

-- Fernando

(*) the iptables packages was part of the planet ccrma repository because 
the new ccrma kernels needed it. I guess the just downloaded redhat 
updated kernel also needs the newer version and thus the update. 

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