[PlanetCCRMA] Rebuilding kernel and alsa

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Nov 17 15:46:01 PST 2002

> I've been thinking about rebuilding my kernel.  I've been unisng the 
> Planet CCRMA kernel and it's been working well, but I want things like 
> native VIA chipset support and an Athlon-optimized kernel.  I've built 
> kernels before, but never from rpm sources.  What's the procedure - do I 
> just apt-get the kernel sources and then build as usual?  Also, do I 
> need to rebuild alsa if I still use the Planet CCRMA kernel sources?  If 
> so, how do I do that?  I'm assuming I can just rpm --rebuild alsa if 
> necessary, but I'm not sure.

There are some instructions on rebuilding on the site but are not very
complete if you also want to change options (and not just rebuild). 

To get the kernel source rpm go to the end of the planet ccrma pages and
download the source rpm for the kernel. Or you can add the following
line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

rpm-src http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/
redhat/7.x/en/i386 planetccrma

And then do an:
  cd /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS
  apt-get update; apt-get source kernel-2.4.19-1.ll

I posted some instructions a while ago, see:


Let me know if there is something that is not clear. Make sure you
change the version number or postfix in the spec file so that the end
result does not have the same number as the planet kernel you are
already using. 

After you are done rebuilding the kernel install the appropriate rpms
(don't forget to install with "-ivh", you don't want "-Uvh" because it
will erase previous kernels). Then download the source rpm for the alsa
driver, install it, cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS and rpm -ba it (or rpmbuild
-ba in 8.0). This will generate two binary rpms, install (-Uvh) the one
that has the new kernel version number as part of the name. Restart the
alsa driver and should be done.

-- Fernando

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