[PlanetCCRMA] jackstart hanging the system

Joseph Zitt jzitt at metatronpress.com
Fri Dec 27 10:36:02 PST 2002

On 27 Dec 2002 10:05:08 -0800
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> Sounds fine again. You are getting dropouts but that is to be expected
> if you run jack without realtime priviledges. Try using "jackstart"
> instead of "jackd". 

Hmm, trying that, I get the RT thread error again, followed by the same

[root at gimel mp3]# jackstart -R -d alsa -d hw -p 864
jackd 0.41.1
Copyright 2001-2002 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

loading driver ..
creating alsa driver ... hw|864|2|48000|swmon
starting engine
cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Cannot allocate memory)
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.077 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.093 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.099 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.092 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.076 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.070 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.111 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.089 msecs
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 0.068 msecs

Also: should jackstart eventually return me to a prompt and run in the
background, or continue to hold onto the xterm session. Either would be
OK; I'm just unclear as towhich behavior to expect.
| jzitt at josephzitt.com                      http://www.josephzitt.com/ |
| GPG: A4224EFA                         http://www.mp3.com/josephzitt/ |
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