[PlanetCCRMA] apt-get distro-upgrade

Carr Wilkerson carrlane at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Dec 18 20:29:01 PST 2002

Ok.  Then the idea for an upgrade, as far as planetccrma is concerned, is 
to install 8.0 over the 7.3 (preserving my home directory tree) and 
re-configure apt-get, the kernel and alsa (et al) from scratch, right? 


On 18 Dec 2002, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> > 	I looked for a thread on this but...  I was wondering if I 
> > understood the apt-get distro upgrade...  Can I use this to upgrade from 
> > 7.3 to RH 8.0?  Or do I need to download the images and install...
> I would suggest you download 8.0 and install it. 
> Upgrading through apt-get from (for example) 7.3 to 8.0 _might_ succeed.
> I have never tried it. Once potential problem that comes to mind is that
> the installer (a program called anaconda in RedHat) might be doing a lot
> of tweaks in configuration files during an upgrade that a simple apt-get
> dist-upgrade will not do. 
> [hmmm, you will also need a lot of time _and_ disk space if the upgrade
> is done over the net as apt-get will first download all packages]
> -- Fernando

Carr L. Wilkerson, Jr.
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)

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