[PlanetCCRMA] HDSP 9652 patch - Failed Dependencies

Steve Arnold sarnold at arnolds.dhs.org
Tue Dec 10 07:31:02 PST 2002

Try this:

> From: Brian Fahrlander [mailto:kilroy at kamakiriad.com] 
>     I'll tellya why: Crappy hardware that looked good at the 
> time.  I have an ASUS A7V (1200 mHz) with an SBLive in slot 
> 4-or-5. This turns out to be a bad configuration, but right 
> now I can't change it.  It's even bad under Windows (so I'm 
> told by ASUS).  The durned thing has 'pauses'.  Anytime 
> there's a certain kind of disk access, wether it's playing 
> sound or anything else...and it pauses for almost two seconds.

Move the sblive to slot 2 (ie, one slot between the AGP slot and the
sblive card).  Go into the BIOS and see if you can assign IRQ 5 to the
sblive.  I don't have an ASUS, but there should be a way to assign an
IRQ to either a slot or Int Pin 2 (or something like that).

On the winblows side, the best thing seems to be to do a fresh install,
and then install the VIA motherboard drivers *first* ie, before any
other drivers (eg, sblive, video, etc).

It seems to do better that way.


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