[PlanetCCRMA] kernel and alsa source package issues
Steve Arnold
sarnold at arnolds.dhs.org
Thu Dec 5 17:31:01 PST 2002
Okay, here's my summary (i'll try to keep it concise).
1) The kernel-source rpm needs the ia64 header files added under:
Currently, only the asm-i386 header files are there. Unless you
know of another way to get around that error...
2) The alsa-driver src.rpm files won't install on a custom kernel.
Your packages look for a CCRMA kernel name (and /lib/modules dir)
but if you build your own kernel, then you end up with this:
I'm still not sure why your alsa-driver tar file (inside the rpm)
won't unpack for me. Even if I extract it manually, which always
works fine, if I try to un-bzip it, it croaks. I guess if I did a
cvs checkout using the -D switch and your cvs date, then I could
have the retrieved the same code as in your package. But I didn't
think about that until just now...
Here's the error:
bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.
Input file = alsa-20020820.180035.tar.bz2, output file =
It is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.
You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.
You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.
bzip2: Deleting output file alsa-20020820.180035.tar, if it exists.
I suppose it could be an issue on my machine, but at this point I
don't see what it could be. [break to test something] Now this is
really weird. I installed the alsa-driver src.rpms (both mine and
yours). When I try to unzip the tarballs in the SOURCES dir, they
both fail with the above error. If I go back to the alsa CVS dir
(which I retrieved the other night) and try zipping or unzipping any
of the packages created by your get-cvs script, they all work fine.
Even the same one I put into my src.rpm (the same one that fails
after I extract it from the rpm). What the hell is this? Some kind
of rpm bug?
If you want, I'll send you the src.rpm I built from the current cvs
code. I'm not sure what good it would do, but you can have it if
you want it.
The issue with the alsa-foo-xxx.src.rpms goes beyond tar file
corruption; we need a generic enough src.rpm file that will build on
both stock CCRMA binary kernels, as well as custom-built kernels.
I'm not enough of an rpm guru for this one, but it could probably be
done with apt-get. I'll leave it up to you how best to solve the
alsa problem; the first one is easy.
Thanks for all the good work so far; I hope to have time to play
with the audio stuff soon...
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